

  • I love BATMMAANNN COOMMIICC BOOOKKKSS -and in particular I love Joker x Harley Another name for Harley is Maiden of Mischief - sooo badda bing badda boom
  • I can never really read through many of Stephen King's books. I only got through It - I'm fascinated with evil clowns lol - and the recent one 11/22/63 - which was pretty good - sci-fi-ish with a touching endding. I tried to get through with The Dark Tower but only read the first two books and some of the third one...I…
  • I'm almost surprised about the amount of people who still believe that lol. I live in New York where veg is very "in" - as to say. You can get more calcium drinking Nut/Soy Milk and a bowl of Brocolli than you can drinking three glasses of milk a day. Not to mention - milk is fattening and more than likely contains pus,…
  • The Sexual Politics of Meat will definately make you think twice of the sexual connotations of Peta lol (or really any other commercial franchising involving sexual undertones)- I mean i love the fast response work they do (I've actually contacted them for emergency animal rescue at one point and were very helpful and…
  • A couple of books that changed my view of food (mind you I'm a vegetarian) 1. China Study 2. Diet for a New America - John Robbins (the son who was suppose to inheret the Baskin Robbins franchise but turned it down because he's a veg) 3. The Sexual Politics of Meat - Carol J Adams (sooo good if youre a pro-Fem - and who…
  • From the Baby Cakes Cook Book that I mentioned: Banana Bread - my bf who isn't a vegetarian LOVEESS it and he usually gets pretty pissy about veg*n stuff that I get and constantly jeers at me with Fhicken (Fake-Chicken) etc. etc. But he hasn't got one bad thing to say about my Vegan Banana Bread lol And I have this recipe…
  • I usually see a lot of before cooked weight So I ASSUME it's pre-cooked weight
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is definately an all time favorite of mine Divine Comedy, a lot of Shakespeare's plays (particularly Hamlet), and of course Cather in the Rye - are all up there Wuthering Heights is not particularly my favorite....>.>
  • OMG! So Jealous! I've been wanting to read that book since forever lol So yeah I'm Cathy! Been reading ever since I could read lol - I usually pick up a lot of General Fiction, Horror, Detective, Sci Fi, and Literary Fiction. And my favorite of all COMIC BOOKS!! lol I'm currently looking for any good Sci Fi reads sooo -…
  • I've been a vegetarian for 3 years (approximately) And though I don't drink milk straight out- I do in certain cases in cooked products like mac & cheese (yep I eat the cheese - that's a tought one to give up for me) And I don't consume eggs straight up either - they usually need to be cleverly disgusied in finished…
  • When I'm in the mood for sweet (I'm an advent believer in single cheat days during the week) I pick up Baby Cakes - not only are the pastries vegan and gluten free - but they also don't use sugar (agave nectar is where it's at!) Other than that I usually get a lot of my food from 1001 Vegetarian Recipes and online sources…
  • My personal challenge for the month is to cut down my simple carb intake (bread,pasta,etc) and replace with more veggies!!