anettabon Member


  • Thursday QOTD: How do you meaure your progress? Do you only use the scale or do you measure as well? Do you have a certain outfit that you try on periodically to see the difference? Clothes for sure! I have this favorite pair of jeans from back when I was running a lot in college and I would love to wear them again. I also…
  • TUESDAY QOTD: Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!) Ah, I should! I keep meaning to do this, then never really follow up when I don't get there. I'm really bad at patience, so when I make a deal with myself, I usually either forget about it or…
  • What is the craziest thing you've ever done to break a loss plateau? I went on south beach diet for a while. But I guess that wasn't that crazy. I kind of want to try a juice fast? But can't decide if it's a good idea.
  • Thursdays QOTD: Do you think stress makes it easier or harder to stick to your goals, and how do you cope with stress? Definitely harder. I love to eat when I'm stressed out and I'm trying to change that. FRIDAY QOTD- We all know that dieting and becoming more healthy is one of mankind's greatest forms of self improvement.…
  • Tuesday QOTD: It's November already, which begins a challenging time of year for many of us whether it is holidays or the need for comfort food in the midst of cold weather and lack of good produce. What challenges are you facing with this time of year in relation to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and/or weight loss? What…
  • Something that worked, trying to eat a cup of veggies a meal. Something I want to try, soupd for lunch!
  • SW 136 GW 132.5 November Challenge: Train for a 7 mile run and run it!
  • Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers? I check the menus online before I go and plan ahead, usually after I've just eaten lunch. That way, when I get there I don't pick something bad for me just because I'm really hungry. Also,…
  • Awesome job everyone! Also, I love the challenge for this week, already planning out my routines!
  • QOTD Thursday: I know weight loss takes up a lot time in our lives. What are some of the hobbies or activities you like to do outside of the gym in your spare time? I love reading, I've just been borrowing books left and right. I spend a lot of time on planes, so reading is something that I can look forward to every week…
  • Wed QOTD: IS THERE A SONG OR MOVIE, POEM or PAINTING that has inspired you in your weight goal quest? Sadly not, but now I'll look for one
  • Wednesday QOTD: Is there a person in your life who has inspired you to lose weight? Either someone who has lost weight themself, or someone who has developed weight related health issues? My uncle has had several serious health issues, like strokes and heart attacks all due to his weight. Now, he can't even go to football…
  • Tuesday QOTD: How many cheat days/rest days do you allow your bodies and how would you describe your cheat days? I usually give myself 1 rest day where I don't work out. As for cheating foodwise, I try and schedule my long runs / workouts on the days where I know I'm more likely to overdo, like beer festival days and…
  • MONDAY QOTD: What exercise combinations work best for you/do you see the best results with?? Running!!! My best results come from long distance running or circuits or interval training. (sorry about this week blue team, it was a really rough weekend, but this week, I'm pumped and ready!)
  • QOTD Thursday: Right now, my thighs I think. I've got unfortunate genetics, so I've got stretch marks, varicose veins, and cellulite. QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving? French fries, and usually I don't go places where I can buy…
  • QOTD: How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule? I try to schedule with a group of people so that I can be held accountable. Failed on that today, but will work out tomorrow!
  • QOTD: How many meals does everyone eat a day? When I read that eating more often helped stabilize blood sugar, it used to be three and two snacks, breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack dinner. But, for some reason, I get a lot less hungry if I skip breakfast, have a snack around 10 (if I'm hungry), then eat a…
  • MONDAY QOTD: What tips can you provide to help stay on track when life get's hectic? Wow, this is going to be good advice for me as I'm doing a pretty poor job of this now. My suggestion that I'm trying now, recruit someone to help. I've noticed that I've been eating not so healthy things recently, french fries, fried…
  • For Thursday's question, it's not exactly a substitute, but I've been stalking the posts on, some of my favorites: Gnocchi, so good! Oven "fried" fish and chips: For…
  • I don't know how I missed Monday's QOTD, but here goes: Hi, I'm 26 and I live in Nashville...well sort of. I'm in Columbus right now. Because of my job, I'm on the road almost every week with the bad influence of coworkers who love heavy food and beer. Things got a little hectic last year and my job got stressful and…
  • So excited! Filled out the form and can't wait to get started :)