

  • I agree....love the site...and the spinach lasagne rolls are one of my favorites!
    in Recipes Comment by jrwp March 2012
  • I am new to MFP...love reading the messages; I think they will be a great help and motivator! One question - how do I add friends, and then find them again - and how do I find a message/post that I have been following? How do I find this chat again next time I log on? I did post a message the other day but have no idea…
    in Need Friends? Comment by jrwp March 2012
  • I'd love some encouragement. I just joined MFP....I do okay with the eating part but the exercise is where I really fall off. I have plans and ideas but just don't follow through...something always comes up or tempts me...any words of encouragement are always appreciated!!
    in New here! Comment by jrwp March 2012
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