natalieblakeley Member


  • I live in Boston in Lincolnshire, England, A funny old part of the country :-)
  • Get going at home chick! I started with the Leslie Sansone Walk DVD's. She's mental but they're good fun!
  • They're Asics but basics (do you like what i did there?) To be honest, I have set a goal of the Lincoln 10k which is in April next year so I am at some point going to have to haul my *kitten* out on the streets. It's just so daunting and people will hear me huffing and puffing! I'm doing the C25k at the moment and its…
  • I was thinking this just yesterday. Two bits of fruit and my sugar RDA was wiped out. I think thats why WW doesnt work for me - the whole 'fruit is free' thing is ridiculous! I've got a couple of blueberry bushes in the garden that are getting picked on a daily basis. Peaches and nectarines are nice to have about and of…
  • Its just called C25K Free. I've got a 4s and im assuming that the app is viable on both models but im a technophobe so could be wrong. I live in a village and there isnt a cat in hells chance i'll be sharing my sweat with the yummy mummy's trotting around in their spandex! Maybe in 50lbs time........
  • I'm on week 3 day 1 and I'm doing it on the treadmill. I actually think treadmill running is harder than road running so it'll be interesting to see if i 'perform' better outside. Crack on with it, it's amazing! I've downlaoded an app on my iphone which is exactly the same as the NHS one but i can use my own playlist. The…
  • Hiya, You've had loads of advice which is brilliant! I'd suggest setting mini goals rather than one big overall goal. Good luck!