Ryerson University, downtown Toronto :)
You're an inspiration!
instead of pasta i eat spaghetti squash it goes from 200+ calories a cup to 42!!!!! also instead of ice cream I freeze individual greek yogurt cups with coco powder for chocolate cravings!
If he liked chocolate ice cream he might like this, buy those individual greek yogurt cups add some coco powder or vanilla depending on what he likes I always buy plain no sugar yogurt so i can add it to my taste but if you mix some coco powder and stevia or any other kind of sweeter together and stick it in the freezer…
When I spoke too my doctor about my weight loss she suggested making a lifestyle change and not doing a "diet" especially one that has a really low calorie intake like the cabbage soup diet or a juice cleanse because going from say eating 1,500 calories a day to 500 a day would trigger like a survival mode in your body so…