

  • Hi Jess! I don't live in Okinawa, but I use husband is military as well so I can definitely understand what military wives go through. I wish you lots of luck on your journey! While I can't actually be in Okinawa, I too need someone who can motivate me...even if you're half a world away. Anyway, if you're…
  • Welcome!! So glad that you're here! I think you've come to the best place ever for getting support during your weight loss journey. I'm new here too and so far I love it. I've received some great advice on what works and what doesn't. Please feel free to add me as one of your friends....we can support each other in this…
  • Terry, Hey there...I can empathize with you. I'm so sorry that you're feeling frustrated. I know how that can be when you're doing all you can and following every rule and little or no results come of it. All I can tell you is to hang in there girl! You're doing all of the right things, sometimes it takes a little while…
  • Hey AlbertaGirl...welcome! I'm so glad that you're here! I'm new here too...been doing the trackers for 5 days in a row. I can definitely identify with your issues...I did super huge weight gains in my pregnancies and now I have a seriously flabby stomach (and everywhere else) to prove it. I never really had issues with my…
  • Welcome! So glad that you're here! I'm a newbie at this MFP thing so I'm glad i'm not the only one. I think you've taken the first step to doing something great for yourself AND you have already accomplished one major thing..having a positive attitude about it! Way to go! Welcome again! ~elia:bigsmile: