dreamcrusher227 Member


  • First of all congratulations on the 17 lbs weight loss! It cannot have been easy with 3 kids and a full-time job so I commend your dedication and consistency - which is the key to success. In order to maintain that consistency, it is best to keep things simple and doable over the long term. Killing yourself to get to work…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! I know how hard it is to maintain focus and dedication and how easy it is to give into self-pity and temporary defeats/plateaus. As women, we face even a greater challenge in our weight loss efforts b/c of less muscle mass than men as well as hormones that jack up the bloat on a monthly…
  • Stiff-legged deadlifts are the best way to develop your hamstrings - not to mention core. As a compound exercise that uses your body's largest muscles, it will give you the most bang (increased muscle mass + energy expanded) for your buck (time spent doing it) provided you challenge your muscles by using heavy enough…