lawrenceraybon Member


  • I use MFP to keep track of calories and set my own upper and lower limits (like 2500 - 1500). I seem to always err on the side of too little calories, so at the end of the night if I see I had a 1500 calorie day I know I need to eat more the following day. (It usually ends up being a 1500 cal day followed by two 2250…
  • I had a similar problem. I was eating exactly the amount of calories I was supposed to each day, but after a month and a half of amazing progress I stalled out. It turns out my body had reached a kind of equilibrium and needed a jostle to get the fat burning again. I started balancing my calories over a week rather than…
  • So both scales must have been off or maybe I was really gassy and it was decreasing my weight significantly because now my weight is back to 254. Oh well, guess I'll have to lose it the old fashioned way... without magic:wink:
  • Two things that really help me are d-ribose and tonic water. I take d-ribose before and/or after running/working out and I rarely have sore muscles. I'm one of those people that throw themselves into things too much and before I found d-ribose I would be sore after every workout. Which brings me to tonic water. Tonic water…