25 year old guy from Liverpool just trying to get back into shape Ga'day! :)
Im 25, Hey :)
Hiya Im going to prob sound picky or whatever but start off by making small adjustments to your left style find out what works and start from there :) basically what I had to do 1. Bring packed lunches with you and spread your it out during your day to help prevent urges to go to burger king or whatever 2. You have your…
It's not full of motivating health stuff but more comic and geeky stuff but hey here's mine:
First attempt at a image post lets see if it accepts HTML <img src="" /> nope... here we go again
Haha that teaches me for not reading your profile properly
Good luck on your goal and feel free to add though you seem pretty toned already :)
Woah thank you everyone... I only expected like the odd one post or something Anyone that's said to add has been added though there seems to be alot of cats on here :p