

  • OK-- I think you guys were right. I wasn't eating enough. I made sure to EAT yesterday (even though I didn't feel hungry) and I was finally down a pound this morning. I made sure to eat breakfast this morning, instead of just coffee with cream. Hopefully, this will turn around. I feel so much better not eating carbs. My…
  • And YES--lots of water. More than enough. I think (after reading a few of the reply's) that maybe I wasn't eating ENOUGH. I will eat more & see if it turns around. Thanks everyone!!!
  • I am (was) bad about logging my food while on atkins. I am wondering--perhaps I wasn't eating ENOUGH. I don't get hungry on Atkins and satisfied very fast when I do eat. I was maybe working out too much for what I was eating. OK--I will try again. I only had rice last night and a piece of bread today (in the way of carbs)…
  • Help--before I get discouraged (although I think I already am). I've been doing Atkins for 3 weeks. Lost NO weight. Been working out faithfully. Even added an extra hour to my workout in the afternoon to try to boost the metabolism. So, a workout in the morning and again around 4-5p. I usually have success with Atkins.…
  • I'm with ya. I was doing Atkins for 3 weeks and my weight didn't budge. I had success with Atkins in the past so I don't know why this time. I am now counting calories with MFP. Good luck with your journey. We are in this together. Tracy
  • I could use all the support there is out there. Please add me so I have more motivational help. Thanks! Tracy