

  • Hello, I found this thread while reading thru the PCOS board, that seems to have gone dry. I did Atkins a few years ago with quick results and am thinking of trying it again. I didn't catch on to South Beach as easily, so never really tried that one...Atkins seemed simpler. Thinking I should get out the book though and…
  • Hi beckyi88, No, your DD is certainly not alone! PCOS is very, very common and as I've searched for updated and extensive information (I support Amazon quite well w/my book purchases on the subject, laf), it has amazed me at how many cysters there are. With so many cysters come many, many websites. Here are a few of my…
  • I've heard the "lucky you, you can feel yourself ovulate" when I went in for severe pain and didn't know I had PCOS (and was 18)...and since then it's been my experience that you should not just deal with the pain and assume that all that can be done is to mask it with drugs. BC reduces the size of the cysts, reducing the…
  • Sounds like you're kicking PCOS's butt, renayeb! That's awesome! I have a journal that has on the cover "PCOS can kiss my A**!" Luv that! A book that helped me really iron my cycles out was "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler, MPH. It taught me to chart my cycles and identify if and when I was ovulating…
  • I don't have the hair growth, though after staying with my same Endocrinologist for so many years b/c he helped me so much, I was shocked when i finally ventured to a new specialist at the other symptoms/effects I actually do have. He's an odd duck, laf, but really knows his hormones! He saw me first about 4 months ago…
  • :happy: That's awesome Pipinana, boy do you have the right attitude! Sounds to me like you're already a mother, probably to many, you're just waiting for your little one to complete their journey to you. Just think what would happen to those little one's if loving people like you and your dh didn't open your hearts to…
  • I'm so glad this thread revived, it was my first and only post and I wasn't sure there were any cysters around...glad to hear from you all! Pipinana, I know the heartache and disappointment you feel, my dh and I felt it too. I had heavy cycles (sorry, rusty on my abbreviations, laf) in high school and had a bad episode,…
  • I have PCOS and am new to this site (and LOVE it!) I've dealt w/PCOS for 10 years now and after overcoming some recent challenges w/my hormone levels am back on track and ready to shed those pounds! Looking to lose 33 lbs. Any other cysters around? :smile: