bobslackdobbs Member


  • Mine has a wristwatch that must be close enough to receive the transmissions from the HRM which is a chest strap. I got the men's model so it would have a bigger wristband (and the color was better imho) and I wear it on the largest hole right above my wristguard and below my elbow pad. I've also seen people connect it to…
  • I have a Polar FT4 that seems to work well because I can input age/gender/weight and those sort of things that are factors in your calorie burning rate in addition to heart rate. That being said, I usually burn between 1000-1300 calories during a practice that involves about 20-30 minutes of plyo followed by 2-2.5 hours on…
  • Hi! I'm Moxy and I skate with the Gainesville Roller Rebels in Florida. I've skated for a little over a year, starting with the Texas Rollergirls Rec league before moving to FL. Derby has already motivated me to quit smoking, and now i'm ready to take things to the next level and get more fit so I can hopefully start…