tbodet Member


  • Land o lakes makes individual creamers called mini moos. They are only 10 calories. I routinely use 2/large cup. I also like then because they don't need to be refrigerated!
  • So *worried* -- although I am pretty worked ha!
  • Day 3 right here! Ladies I'm going to need to join this team! I'm off work this week so decided to start now since my schedule is flexible. I'm so worked I won't be able to get up early, but I know it won't get done at night! Let's so it!
  • I am on day 3 ouuuuuucccccchhhh! I'm not right in front of my fit test results, but I will post later when I have a chance. I'm a little worried about losing momentum! I'm pretty excited about it though, hope it lasts! Good luck!
  • I would probably go no lower than the calories recommended for your weight and ultimate goals. Especially with such an intense workout, you'll need the energy.
  • Planning on doing the fitness test Sunday! I'm kind of terrified and kind of excited! I'm a veteran of MFP, but honestly haven't taken advantage if the message boards. Think I'm gonna need it for this challenge though!