

  • it is hard! especially when your friends are like "lets have this pizza loaded with crap we don't need to be eating!" I'm glad there are other young people here who feel my pain!
  • one thing i'm trying to remind myself of: "No matter how small or how short the exercise, you're lapping everybody on the couch" Billy Banks Tae Bo is pretty fun, but its a bit intense at first. Maybe purchasing a yoga video for beginners or just doing some stretches and something small like 10 jumping jacks or push ups a…
  • Being able to wear a cute skirt, pretty blouse and my cowboy boots without looking disproportionate ! Also, knowing that I made a huge change in myself for the better!
  • That sounds easy enough! =] I have alot of joint pain, so I'm limited to what I can do, and how long I can work out, But I'm hoping that if I keep on doing small intervals, maybe two times a day, I can eventually work my way up to doing those hour long workout sessions.
  • I looove reading those success stories. It gives me hope. My problem is, my mind says 'Let's get up and workout!' but my is screaming 'but, i'm so comfy. don't get up." haha. any ideas on how to boost that "get up and go" attitude?
  • I'm Logan =] I'm not a newbie either, and I feel the same way!