

  • It would help if you opened up your diary, but for now I'd suggest increasing your protein intake. Protein can really help with satiety.
  • If you don't have high cholesterol already, don't worry about eggs. There is little to no correlation between dietary cholesterol and cholesterol levels. Additionally, the yolks contain most of the micronutients of eggs and a little less than half the protein content of the entire egg. Otherwise, I would definitely suggest…
  • Even so, the statement "...more vitamin A and vitamin D than the American diet of his day! These vitamins are found only in animal fats..." is wildly incorrect. A single sweet potato has almost 100% the DV recommended amount of Vitamin A. ...Honestly, did you even read this before you posted it?
  • I literally just finished watching Earthlings, but I'm already an ovo-lacto vegetarian. I thought it was okay, but I study neuroscience so I noticed a ton of inaccuracies. That part really really irritated me. Too much rhetoric. Anyway, I don't usually eat "meat replacements" other than tofu. I find most packaged meat…
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