pmtuft Member


  • I ran my first half marathon last August and if I can do anyone can! :) Try Hal Higdon plans. I actually joined a running club to train for my half-which I ended up doing intervals for as I was not able to run the whole thing yet. I kept a 5:1 interval pace through out the 13 miles and successfully completed it ! Good luck.
  • Hi everyone! I am 38 married and have a 10 1/2 month old baby boy! I am looking to lose the rest of the baby wiegth and then some-as I was heavier then I woudl have liked to be when I got preganant in the first place. I would like to still lose about 20 lbs. I love to cook, spend time with the family, and run! Would love…
    in Welcome! Comment by pmtuft August 2012
  • Go to a running store and have someone measure you for some good shoes. They will eatch how you walk and put you in a shoe that is right for your foot. Its not cheap but well worth it! :) Also, I recommend finding a runnign group to join-in MN we have a group call Mom on the Run-we meet 2-3 days a week and you can either…