darrellpi Member


  • Yep. We bought a box of Entermanns Poppins, chocolate donut holes, to have for our five year old granddaughter. Started to grab just one and thought I'd better check before. Wow! They were almost 400 for just four. No Poppins no more.
  • No problem at all.I started with about a week left in February last year.I was very strict at first, only eating 1200 to 1300 calories a day for about four months. I don't know how fast the weight came off because I couldn't weigh for a long time. I had gone to a meeting about gastric bypass and they had the means to weigh…
  • Thanks for that. What I had read was walking burned 90% of your body weight in calories (in water) in thirty minutes and that water jogging was 50% more. In enter my time but I am hesitant to trust the value actually being that high and won't eat accordingly.