feelinggreat140 Member


  • Guess I'm dating myself but Tina Turner is great when I am striding out.
  • I too have a hard time getting the 10,000 during the work week unless I make time to go to the indoor track and walk or take a walk at home. However, many nights I don't get home before dark to get that walk in outside. Does your dog require a walk? I know I read in Prevention that I could also march during commercials or…
  • Can you get netflix streaming? There are exercise dvds to instant stream that are every thing from low impact to crazy ramped up. I started with Pick Your Level Pilates....it allows you to do just that. Or just put on some music inside and start swaying to the beat, or slow dancing. The best thing I did when I hadn't been…
  • I vote for a couple's massage, weekend at a bed and breakfast where you can go walking all around a quaint town together. Just let the B & B know of your diet plans and they are usually very accommodating. Good luck.
  • 58 yoa start weight 230+ current weight 179 goal for now weight 165 Any twins?????
  • cindi I am 58 5'2" started in 2008 at 230+ pounds Current weight 179 - started back when I got back up to 185 pounds Goal weight 165 or more send a friend request to feelinggreat140
  • One year I decided I wanted to walk to certain destinations. I made a map and each day I walked I marked how far I had gotten. I walked to NY City from the Finger Lakes and then started off to my sister's in Wisconsin. It is amazing to see how fast the miles add up. Any one up for that????
  • My favorite is to walk, garden, and do yard work during the summer when I am off school. I would be glad to be support.
  • Before I had my knee replacement I was dealing with a lot of added weight (I have lost 56 + pounds). When I first started back to exercising, I used Pick Your Level Pilates - watched it on Netflix instant streaming. It was a go place to start because you could choose Easy, Middle, or more Challenging workouts. Not sure if…
  • 58 years old - 5' 2" 179 lbs. Trying to lose .5 a week (some weeks better than others) MFP set me at 1530 calories per day. In 2008 I was 230# plus and using SB Diet (really just had a life style change) got down to 165# now back at it because I got a bit out of control now getting back in control. Need to get more…
  • I think back on some of the snacks I gave my kids after school and wonder if they were for the kids or really for me and my sweet tooth. This is a great opportunity to teach your children about healthy snacks. Maybe if you think about this as a family now then your kids won't have to deal with worrying about losing the…
  • thanks for the info
  • Great thanks. Now is there a place on the website to figure this number out and how shold I use this information when figuring out my calories. MFP set e at 1580 calories for each day.
  • No I have never been able to do that....of course my hubby seems to have no problem eating some empty calories a day and his blood numbers are excellent....sigh. I figure if I am able to fill all my calorie requirements just eating what I consider wholesome foods most of the time and if I eat junk food then I am wasting…
  • Can someone explain the acronym BMR? It seems to come up a lot in conversation. I see my calories for the day and then calories burned in different activities. I don't always eat back all of those calories either but I am sure they balance out over the long run.
  • Don't eat them. They just have things in them I don't eat.
  • When I started SB program in 2008 I really had that problem also (sometimes I still do). I have one of those hubbys that can eat much of what I can't and not gain a pound...sigh. I finally started asking myself a question every time I was tempted to eat some of the foods that I really didn't really need. I just ask myself,…
  • 2.5 oz grilled chicken breast with mushrooms, onions, and peppers. Mixed veggies 2/3 cups and 1 1/2 cups of my home made kale soup...yummmm! I did also have 6 oz of Soy Slender to drink. Ate 30 minutes after exercise so now I feel full which is something very different for me as usually my full button does not kick in…