

  • You MUST get to the gym. Food is a culprit in the weight game but without exercise, it will take longer to shed those pounds. Also - think about your health. The gym will strengthen and tone your muscles - especially your HEART!!!
  • I am sorry that you are in this predicament BUT........ YOU CAN DO THIS! Do not let anyone make choices for you. It sounds like you have made the most important decisions already and that is to make a change! Only YOU have control over the decisions you make. Key things to remember - if it comes from a box, it's probably…
  • officially back today! Lets gooooo! Want to get fit and healthy.(and lose weight) Glad to be a part of this group!!
  • wow - your story is incredible and inspiring!~ Keep up the good work - everything you need (including the moral support ) is here on this site. I just started my journey to lose 40 lbs. last week. It's going great and I love seeing how everyone is doing day to day. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • Labrada Lean Body for Her is great. You can buy the packets (which I prefer) or the large container. I use the powder, water ice and a banana to make a shake that is delish! Good luck!
  • smart balance popcorn is a great and filling snack!
  • I am new too - today is day one and I hope this positive attitude will continue! I feel healthy and energetic. Did 45 minutes of cardio and a pilates class. One day almost down - the rest of my life to go...........:)
  • Hi Ladies - If you go to the message boards and click on the 5th one down (I think It says Support) I started a blog called support mtg. Place 4/7/09. This may be a good place to keep in touch and it will be easy enough to find. I started the first blog. Let me know if you can't find it! See you all there! BTW - this will…
  • HI girls- (you know who you are!) I figured I would start a new topic called Support Mtg. Place so we would all know where to find one another. I did not know of another way to do this. So - when we want to post or need a pick-me-up, come to this page so we can communicate with each other. I log on several times a day to…
  • The problem is that you are trying too hard to "DIET" You need to make sensible choices with everyday normal food and then you will be able to get the calories in. Don't try to live off of veggies and fruit. You still need your protein and some carbs. If you continue to eat this way, It will become a lifestyle change and…
  • I'm in too - the more the merrier! I just started a week ago but have lost 7 lbs! I am using an Acai supplement that is amazing. I still have 30 lbs. to go and know it wont be this easy for me. I am currently eating 1200 calories a day and include a fitness routine of 2 days of cardio and 2 days of cardio/circuit training.…
  • Hi - I am a new member as of a week ago tomorrow. Along with making healthy food choices and using the calorie counter and Fitness log, I have been using an Acai supplement after seeing so many advertisements about it in the news and on talk shows. I wanted to share this because for once, something actually does what it…
  • Hi Everyone - I am a new member as of a week ago tomorrow. Along with making healthy food choices and using the calorie counter and Fitness log, I have been using an Acai supplement after seeing so many advertisements about it in the news and on talk shows. I wanted to share this because for once, something actually does…