

  • I drink cold water when I am really hungry, because after the second glass my body begins to refuse it because of the temperature. Honestly, I'd suggest an activity that keeps food off your mind, like a bath, reading, or laying in bed listening to music. You could also drink tea! That curbs my cravings.
  • I don't drink soda, so I might be out of the loop, but I don't think diet soda cake tastes anything like diet soda. I'm sure you could add regular soda, but it negates the "healthiness" of soda cakes.
  • I'm a vegan of 4 months and a vegetarian of three years. I can't say much about energy, but I never get sick, don't need caffeine, and feel pretty great. I love being a vegan, not only for health reasons, but also because of the impact on animals and the environment. A vegetarian diet can be a lot healthier, but you have…