lilbodes Member


  • I'm a late starter.. just back on MFP. And serious LCHF. My aim is simple to start carbs under 20g. 10k steps 5/7 days.
  • Though I best check in and say hello I'm still here.. Spending all day at work on a PC I dont tend to much when Im at home.. And it's way too hard to get here on the iphone.... So after an initial 2.5kg loss week 1 nothing stayed the same.. (so and I'm so glad I didn't do this week 1 or 2) I searched out the tape measure…
  • Just checking in.... Had a bit of a splurge food wise yesterday, just getting it out of my system... My Maxine's products arrived on Friday and the company sent me the wrong flavour shake (Chocolate -- bleyuckkk!) Burn bars are on sale along with a multitude of other brand protein bars on Scoupon at the moment ($23.90 a…
  • Found it!!!... Boy exhausted looking around in here... Not much of a forums person, (not much for excercise at the minute either but that all changes Monday....) All signed up and ready just waiting for the supps to arrive after the let down by Supplement Mart WA Ive order from NSW??? go figure I can walk to the Supplement…
  • I'm here, well back again, and only with thanks to another MPFer who dnt give up on me!! Im in Perth 42 mum of 2 (17 &10) hubby is one of those who can and does eat a whole pack of tim tams after dinner but doesnt put on any weight at all!! so not a lot of support on that front. Well I said I would be back 1 Jan so here I…
  • Under my GP's advice I've gone low carb for 6 weeks to see if we cant kick start some weight loss as I've been stuck for some time. Once I got over the whole, oh Bugger thats carby.... I have gotten totally into Chia puddings for breakfast, they have whatever you like in them over the basic. I use a Thermomix but I dont…
  • Thanks all for your replies. A few answers... 1200 cal is from the doctor, after we have tried doing the Lite n Easy home delivered 1500cal / day. I have not eaten anything extra than what they provide, although their menu does contain alot of carbs, (bread, potato, pasta and corn there is heaps of the stuff!). I add no…