momcbride68 Member


  • Height? 5' 5" Starting weight? 133lb Current weight? 130lb Goal Weight? 127-130lb Age? 44 How many calories you eat a day? Around 1600, although I eat alot more at the weekends - but I do 1+ hour of hard physical exercise 5 days a week
  • Height? 5'5 Starting weight? 133 Current weight? 130 Goal Weight? 127 - 130 Age? 44 How many calories you eat a day? Around 1600 - less during the week, more at the weekend but do 5 hours exercise a week
  • I won't rate my looks as beauty is in the eye of the beholder - and they normally see you a whole lot better than you see yourself! Personality - far from perfect but at least I do try hard 8.5 :-)