c_armbrust Member


  • if you want it enough, you will get past that mental block. just try taking a step back and rethinking why you want it. im sure youll feel better then!
  • The reason i do it.. I love it! I love everything about fitness. something about being able to sculpt your body, into how ever you want to look, drives me to wake up every morning to go to the gym for hours. knowing that if i work hard enough and dont give up, i can have the body i want. knowing that it doesn't come easy,…
  • im 24 and have been smoking since i was 17 and i recently tried quiting, and as this coming monday will be 8 weeks with out a cigarette. i couldnt be happier. you never realize how deep of a breath and how well you can breath untill you quit smoking. it has made my fitness goals alot easier! and not to mention, i save 210…
  • i completely agree! i think most people dont realize there are healthy fats and unhealthy fats. i try to eat raw almonds eveyday, and always cook w olive oil. almost all the fat i take in are healthy fats. more people need to know this.
  • i would def eat more protein. And also i would just eat more meals with out sugar or carbs, such as chicken and turkey.and if you do eat chicken or turkey, dont eat it on bread, eat it plane w a side of veggies or rice or something. and eat lots of veggies, cause carbs from veggies are not bad. and if you wanna eat sugar,…