

  • Don't have a favorite, but would like for them to have other toppings available such as pineapple and swiss. I'd eat a hot ham, pineapple, and swiss. :happy:
    in Subway Comment by xxxtwix March 2012
  • I'm married to the sugar plum fairy. He eats and drinks his weight in sugar everyday.of.the.week. If he lost any more weight he'd blow away in the wind never to be found again. And he's lived this way his whole life. When he goes to the corner store for a candy bar he comes back with a dozen. On the other hand I have…
  • Well technically I'm a tad taller, but found this conversation interesting. I'm 5'10, 330, and a size 22/24 comfortably. In fact the jeans I'm sitting in are a size 22. I'm curious as to what size I will be in when I get to 160ish-lbs again. It's been almost 20yrs and then I was in 8/10's.
  • I grew up eating it with paprika or pineapple. I like it and eat it frequently. Fish on the other hand...bleh. I suppose it is an acquired taste or texture. :tongue:
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