kates232 Member


  • I agree that the numbers add up correctly, I guess what I'm saying is that even though MFP can say, for example, that I can now eat 2500 cal based on my activity level for the day, if I consistently ate 2500cal per day I would gain weight (in my opinion, based on my metabolism).
  • Up your water intake, and make sure you're doing a proper warm-up and cool-down, with stretching afterward. Try a light jog for 10-15min before you lift, and 10min of walking after. We tend to overlook the importance of this!
  • I'll be honest...quitting dairy was the first time I saw significant weight loss (significant not meaning much, I am a small statured person so anything over a few pounds is ground breaking). I used to eat cottage cheese and yogurt every day. I would just say eat in moderation, anything every day probably isn't the best.…
  • I know exactly what you mean by the bloated feeling... I can't explain but I feel your pain! Sometimes come out of the gym feeling "fatter" than when I went in...seems opposite. But I've also been reading a bit about the water retention linked to muscle repair, so seems totally normal and you're not alone!
  • Try a few of the lower body machines, like leg press and leg extension. Both of those machines allow you to adjust the angle to which your knee bends and the amount of weight you are using.
  • Nice to hear someone get that out there. This is the reason I don't weigh myself except for every couple weeks. It's not worth the anxiety. I feel healthy, my clothes fit, and I FEEL GREAT. That is good enough for me.