Food will not deposit fat in your stomach, but fat does stick around organs, and if you have a dairy or wheat sensitivity your stomach will bloat. Also - WATER - drink lots of water! I feel particularly stomach heavy if I eat dairy or wheat, or if I am dehydrated. Other than that...yeah.....keep moving, and strengthen your…
If he was going along with the food change and being supportive it must be distressing to have him have a temper tantrum about the food. As was written above - YOU are the one who is changing - I have read men are often threatened by partners changing - especially for the better. So buy him the food he likes, and buy…
Two feet - not a problem. We have gravity feed water, a generator, a propane stove, wood stove heat, lots of food, snow shoes, books and games, a beautiful field of sun reflecting snow, a two hundred year old home built back when people utilized passive solar knowledge, and a well funded road crew - - a play day!!!!…
I do like the Russian Twist - I can feel it at 12, but go until 20 - will keep working on it until I can do 60. Thank you!!!!
Day one for me on the fancy sheet measuring my progress - and I have done 300 crunches so far today and want to do 60 more. Will do sixty more. I also walked 7/10 of a mile on a dirt road in -16ºC, and cleaned, did laundry, kept the fire going, fed son, fed self, took son to work, did dishes, gathered eggs and tended to…
"Most women are dying to get this diagnosis and get on the meds." I, and others I know, are working with diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction w/o the meds. I have been for two years. I was diagnosed accidentally as a scan for a head injury showed growths on my thyroid, then I tested as having low thyroid function. I'm…
- look so healthy and strong!
yaaaa!!!!! did 160 lunges!!!! helped that my daughter and I played Yahtzee while lunging between turns. Made it fun and she spurred me on.
ok! just clicked on the UTUBE link: and spontaneously, as in not thinking about actually doing any and did 20 on each leg - only 110 more to go - did them smoothly, but quickl,y and my heart sped up and I had to take off a shirt - NICE!!! thank you!
Not successfully - but often, as my heart races and I become cranky and anxious when I do drink coffee. It tastes delicious and is an anti-inflammatory and I love sharing a good cup on the occasional the morning with my neighbor. I have come up with the idea of having a 'homeopathic' cup of coffee - an espresso sized cup…
Yesterday I had a table at an ongoing flea-market; there is usually an Armenian there who makes and sells spinach lavish - it is delicious and healthy and I really enjoy eating it. After I finished it, the person with me offered me some of their fresh french fries....with vinegar and salt - yum - after I had eaten about…
September 2 - 89 miles to go!!!! Walked seven today and white water rafted (class fours) - paddling all the way! YAHOO! (Have successfully completed 62 years as of today, starting my 63rd with challenging myself to keep moving!)
Read the responses to see if I might fit in....I understood every reference, love THINK GEEK, want a TARDIS for my next vehicle, took chemistry for fun when I went to college at 50, and sent my son (in the next room) who dropped out of high school at 15 and just built himself an elaborate high end computer for film…
Working on it - thank you! Challenges are so helpful to me - just to even get me thinking to do something extra and organized is a help. Just finished 220 - 110 in each direction - with 2# weights. YAAA!!!! got past thinking about it and DID it. Not that difficult and my upper back and shoulders popped at 60 reps - in good…
WOW! That IS a challenge - used to walk three miles every day and felt GREAT! As of tomorrow morning I will have lived a full 62 years so I'm going to start my 63rd year with this challenge. Thank you SO much! :flowerforyou:
appreciate the mini challenges - I need to be challenged! I will be part of the 'in sets' gang! very little sets - just did five - and I was a shakin' (I am also part of the 'over the hill gang' - as in I am eligible to collect Social Security next month. LOL)