Just tired of a bunch of try hards that read one research log and think the know the breakthrough..went from uber fat kid to skinnyfat but thinks he found the secret of life.
ill cut down to 120 and post shirtless pick hold please.
learn nutrition and lift a weight before you take a shirtless pic. anyone that takes IIFYM seriously knows you count micro...welcome to nutrition i see you havent been here before.
im saying ur an idiot
in b4 mad broscientist dont fully understand IIFYM..macro and micro are of the same thing...i see the force is scrong with you...another twig preaching how to get big and healthy.
got beans made me fart sticking with chicken
whats wrong here? protein,carbs, probably eat half the avocado and your good to go...unless your aimming 65 cal breakfast thats a good breakfast and adjust your macros accordingly
its ridiculous to think that. go to a doctor and ask what is healthier 20% or 12%. that thought process alone is the reason why the US population is at a higher rate then anywhere else. why strive to be what you should when you can argue being fat is ok. please stop trying to argue being fat is ok
lol notsureifserious.jpeg inform me oh wise one what BF should everyone be?
but a 99% tax on all those over 12% BF... two things will occur, the will lose weight themselves, or they will be so heavily taxed they will not be able to eat those loose weight that excuse to be fat its a personal choice a poor one that that. being fat is like being a drug addict you choose the lift style if you…
unsuccessful troll was unsuccessful
sounds like we got a broscientist...u sir are a retrard
Thu 12/06/12 04:12 PMQUOTE: QUOTE: QUOTE: QUOTE: not sure if someone else mentioned it but see the documentary 'King Corn' And 'Food Inc.' And 'Forks over Knives' And read 'Eating Animals' And read 'Animal Vegetable Miracle' That is all. Stay educated. And you really don't see how you come across with posts like these?…
there is a good youtube webisode on this topic, those interested should check it out.
To long didnt read...
Simply said.....nothing tastes as good as being shredded feels. realize your overall goal and gain mental strength
Sir Horble Trollson where did you go bruh? your bad trolls bring me joy please come back with your terrible comments.
pick your nose
just eat poop
notsureifsrs.jpeg unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful (srs)
Middle aged soccer dad who's been carrying extra weight most of my adult life...... strong progress/10.
sounds like u mad, list what u eat so we know what to stay away from.