niesje520 Member


  • SO TRUE! Due to the high cals....I just stay away. But I do miss it. Just think you can have it on special occasions :( everything in moderation :)
  • I am 5.37 really 5"4 I am a thick frame, but hold my weight well. I started MFP in end of Feb 2012 and since have lost 46 pds. My goal weight is between 150-160pds. I know at that weight I am in a size 9/10 and look really good to my standards (just because I have been that size). I think it really has to do with your…
  • 31 yrs old. Pregnancy weight I topped out at 260 after was in size 20 started MFP end of Feb 2012. Currently I have lost over 40 pds now size 16. And still losing! MFP Works if you use it right! Don’t ever go below 1200 calories!! You have to journal everything you put in your mouth. Sometimes it helps to do it before you…
  • Wow great job! I need to be taking more pictures! I like how you did sort of a timeline....what were your different weights at each picture? Also shakeology….were you doing those once or twice a day?
  • You are such an inspiration! You should be so proud of yourself! You look amazing, great job!
  • I am 31 started in Feb 2012, I have already lost 40 pds....I havent been taking pics I still have about 40 pds more to go. I think then I will do some before and after pics! I wish I would have started this program a long time ago. MFP has given me something priceless.....CONTROL!
  • Homemade ice-cream sandwiches Use fat free graham crackers Break them in halves On one graham cracker use fat free cool whip and dollop a 1 serving Place other gram cracker on top and wrap in saran wrap or tin foil Place in freezer overnight and you have a homemade ice-cream sandwich less than 60 cals