please forgive me but what does NSV stand for?
Day 3 of Insanity. This is my second go-round as the first time I didn't make it all the way through. I hope this group can help me to complete the 60 days and that I can help others! Cheers, Dana
I am on Day 3 of Insanity and definitely need the encouragement of others if I am going to push myself for these next 58 days!
Welcome Nikki and congrats on taking the step to take charge of your health and wellbeing!! :smile: This is a journey and transition to be healthy not just now but for the rest of your life and this site is a great support system for that. Fitness and Nutrition is a HUGE passion of mine and I am actually about to start…
I just bought the Weight Watchers scale and plugged in my information and it was right on the money from other scales at the gym show. Also has the other scales in it as well including water weight, bmi, etc. Great buy to me!
I would be careful eating it with pineapple or any fruit for that matter. The whole purpose of having it as a snack is to keep it healthy and adding pineapple and other fruit will raise the sugar level. I have substituted it in place of ricotta for lasagna numerous times without telling my guests and they seldom notice.…