Zoemoller Member


  • I would just include protein shake for the additional calories you need. If you diet is already on point and you would like to just build more muscle, taking additional protein after your work out and right before bed will help your body build and repair muscle and provide additional calories. That would give you another…
  • proteeeeeinnnnn you need more proteeiiiin. i like raw garden's protein, im pretty sure it's vegan and though it can be kinda chalky if you mix it with yogurt but its bomb as a shake with almond milk. if you switch up your ratio of macros and bump up protein that might make a difference. i kinda just shoot for a equal ish…
  • play with cocoa powder! mix it with some stevia or honey, put it on fruit. or mix it in with plain nonfat greek yogurt, nonfat cottage cheese. mash it with a banana. get a good whey protein powder and add cocoa powder. use more or less depending on how dark you like your chocolate. I love chocolate. cocoa powder is real…