KatnKandy Member


  • Has anyone started? I plan to start Wednesday 02/10/16!
  • LOL. I agree!
  • I would see a Gastroenterologist. I have been seeing one for awhile and it's really helped. I would have moments when I couldn't tolerate anything I ate and vomit for days or I would have the stomach pain of all heck! I found out I had acid reflux and I had Gall Bladder Stones which I had to get removed.
  • I would work out, give myself a facial, try to complete some tasks in the house like: clean the walls, dust, etc. play some music and dance. If I do eat something I'd go for baby carrots or something that has very little calories and carbs.
  • A few years ago I lost 45lbs, I did about 120 push ups per day all at one time. One day my arms hurt so much I couldn't carry my purse or my daughter. I went to the emergency room and discovered I ripped a muscle in both my shoulders, and my chest and I got a hernia in my stomach. I was on steroids for almost a year, I got…