

  • That is the perfect answer!! Thank you. That is exactly what I was thinking. I have been eating back whatever I burn off and had a feeling it would only hurt me in the end. I wear a Fitbit, but a lot of times I feel like it is overestimating!
  • Thanks guys!! This is all very helpful! I think I will keep mine at 1200 but not beat myself up if it creeps a little higher! Another question, when you do exercise, do you allow yourself to consume those extra calories you burned? For example, if you do the elliptical and burn 300 calories, and your goal is 1200, do you…
  • Thank you! Congrats to you as well!!! You can definitely do it! I know I waited a little too long to get started, but even a little weight loss before the wedding would make me very happy!
  • I love this idea! I try to tell everyone I want to lose a little weight and everyone tells me I am fine. But I would feel so much better. I definitely need moitvation as well! I really have an issue with stress/mindless eating. My hope was to reach my goal weight by my wedding, but it is very close now (September 12) so I…
  • I love Gary. He really helped me to realize how to adjust my basals, or in the case of exercise, to usually not adjust the basal and work with the meal bolus. My problem is I usually workout after work, so I need a snack to keep me from going low. 30 grams of carbohydrate with no coverage seems to be about my magic number…
  • That is awesome!! Keep up the good work! I am doing a mix of elliptical and a Les Miles Class called Body Pump. It definitely helps to tone!
  • I am getting married September 12th! It is just around the corner. Unfortunately I have had a stressful year thus far with buying a house, getting a puppy (who was very sick at first), and starting a new job. Sadly, I am a stress eater so I have gained several pounds instead of lost. I am currently 5'3" and 141 lbs and…