Bomer5 Member


  • I want to join the local derby team, but I get very nervous in "social" settings. Plus the fact that I don't have much strength although I look like I do, I dont want to get pummeled lol or humilated cuz I can't skate either... maybe I should practice before I go sign up lol
  • That is awesome :) I have been walking for about 7 weeks now. I have bad asthma and cannot run yet, drs orders... but I hope to be running soon... I have been having a bit of a hard time with my sensor lately, it seems to be a little off or something, I tried recalibrating it but I don't know what it is, the distances just…
  • I'm from Northwest FL, Crestview to be exact... originally from Connecticut just moved here just over 2 1/2 years ago and I love it... I joined MFP because I lack motivation most times when it comes to weight loss and calorie counting so I figured since I really need to lose weight I will try the app and so far I love it..…