celcen Member


  • I found that slow and steady is the best way to loose weight. I log everything I eat so I know when I go over my limit. Don't get discouraged, just stay the course, you will get there.
  • Hey Jess, welcome to the club. You have taken an important step. I have found that recording all my meals have helped me. I also try to walk 3 miles every day and I dont add those calories back to be used. This really helps me to loose my 2 pounds a week. Good luck to you and stay the course!
  • I need to loose 75 or so pounds. I started at 270 in November of last year. I have lost 25 pounds so far. I am taking it very slow and trying to change my eating habits. Doing it this way I find myself eating healthier and exercising more and I don't have that mental fatigue that comes from worrying about loosing weighty…
  • There are a few things that have helped me loose a little weight. 1- I plan my meals most days. - 2- I log them and make sure that I stay within limits - 3-I walk for at least 20 minutes every day. I use a free app on my phone , my walking pal, that tracks my walk and links to my food diary in the PC. - 4-When I go out to…
  • My main problem is going out to dinner. Very hard to do portion control, specially when in a group. In addition is tough to say no to a glass or two of wine and there goes 150 plus wasted calories!
  • Once a week and never on a Monday!