

  • Thanks for reminding me. I do take melatonin sometimes. It definately helps some of the time. I just have to be careful with it cause if I take it too late in the evening I feel groggy the next morning and I try not to use caffeine.
  • "I know you said you work out in the mornings and that's awesome, but to help you sleep better is there a way you can get a work out or some good exercise in before bed? That might wear you out enough to help you sleep better. :)" Yesterday, I did both am and pm and had no difficulty sleeping. This might be something to…
  • Great Post! It's only day 5 for me and I have 42lbs to go to reach my goal weight. But I've lost 4lbs in 5 days. I don't expect the progress to continue at this level. I'm in the gym every morning at GOLD's. I spend 40mins to 1hr and I alternate my routines between weights and cardio, although I try to get at least 20 mins…
  • WOW, Congrats! You've convinced me to look into this. :laugh:
  • I'm done. I hear 'Kevin Trudeau' and a weight loss scheme in the same sentence. I know exactly what we are dealing with now. Have fun :noway:
  • Ok, how about the Mayo Clinics opinion: Because the HCG diet combines injections or supplements of the HCG hormone along with severe calorie restriction, you may lose weight — at least for the short term. But it's the calorie restriction that causes the weight loss, not the HCG. In addition, the safety of HCG for weight…
  • 40 minutes on the eliptical this morning at the Gym 550k/cals. :smile:
  • Well, I'm am not interested in using steroids for weight loss. What happens when you are done and no longer on the steroids? I bet you will get very hungry again. Plus, 500 calories per day is not very much. I burned up 550 cals today on the eliptical. Does the plan call for eliminating exercise? I would be into some…