clickchick18 Member


  • I have a Fitbit One! I also have a HRM. I love them both and couldn't imagine not having either one. The fitbit is what started my weight loss journey 2 years ago. The fitbit does track calories but I find it sometimes underestimates when I compare to my HRM for the higher intensity workouts. With cycling the fitbit tracks…
  • You may be working out too much. I went to my doc last week and was talking to her about how I had stopped losing even though I was working out 6 days a week. She said I needed to add in rest days. She also said I wasn't eating enough. I also wear a heart rate monitor so I base the extra calories I add off of it. For a…
  • This weekend is going to be crazy for me. I'll be going to a bar on Friday with members of my dad's band to watch 3 members from his band play (they have a separate smaller band on the side). So I plan on doing zumba that day. Then on Saturday we will be celebrating my brothers birthday. We will have my aunt and uncle and…
  • kamakazeekim your SITTING heart rate is 150? That can not be good. A normal sitting heart rate is below 100. Have you talked to your doctor about this?
  • I have spent much time in the boot so I know the frustration (I sprained my ankle 3 times in ine year and was in it total for about 4 months). I found I could use the boot as a weight for my leg. So I could do leg raises and ab stuff. Exercises like planks (on your knees) might work. They also have chair workout videos. I…
  • I'm a new runner too! I ran 2 miles for the first time two Sundays ago and I was sooooo happy!!! But the advice is great thanks!