Marillian Member


  • There are two fantastic support groups here in MFP for those with 100+ pounds to lose. You are all invited to join should you wish.
  • My husband's cousin, who is severely overweight, has been selling Plexus for the past year and half. If the product is so good and actually works, why hasn't she lost any weight on it? If anything, she's gained.
  • You can make your own pickles very easily! Here is a recipe: REFRIGERATOR DILL PICKLES Ingredients: 3-1/2 cups water 1-1/4 cup white vinegar 1 tablespoon canning salt (NOT table salt) 1 tablespoon sugar Cucumbers, unpeeled, sliced into disks (about 4 cups) 2 cloves garlic (whole) 2 heads fresh dill Instructions: Boil the…
    in Pickles? Comment by Marillian March 2017
  • I think there is a common misconception is that when you eat low carb, you can have unlimited amounts of bacon, cheese, etc., which isn't true. I'm not familiar with the 5-2 WOE, I'll have to look it up. I eat very low carb because I have Type 2 diabetes, and my blood sugar numbers have dropped significantly when I started…
  • There are many on MFP! I invite anyone that has or had 100+ pounds and would like a fun and supportive group to join: or
  • I appreciate all the comments and thank you for same. While sugar free substitutes and artificial sweeteners may be helpful and well tolerated by others, I can only use natural products, raw honey, real maple syrup or stevia leaf (not the stevia with other stuff mixed in). This is a personal choice because my body rebels…
  • This honey is straight from the hive. Literally. My friend has a couple of hives. She took the honeycomb out and put the honey in a jar, and gave it to me. I guess I don't classify as a "true low carber since, in the past year, I have had a small amount of honey. But hey, I'm not perfect like some low carbers are. I'm…
  • I'll cook the traditional corned beef, cabbage, carrots (which symbolizes the colors of the Irish flag), and red potatoes. I'll eat the meat and cabbage, and will probably make more vegetables for myself. Maybe broccoli with cheese sauce.
  • Good morning everyone! I just wanted to share a little about my dinner last night. Every couple of months, a group of women with whom I graduated high school with (40 years ago -dating myself here) get together for dinner. We went to a local restaurant that is known for its iconic burgers. Mind you, these are not your fast…
  • Thank you Sunny Bunny. I should clarify that I do plan on continuing to eat low carb. I can never do otherwise because of being T2. My goal is to get off my meds because lower sugar is very important to me. My endocrinologist advised me to eat no more than 90g of carbs per day. That's very manageable for me, and I rarely…
  • Thank you everyone for your suggestions and input. My initial plan was to only do LCHF for a couple weeks, i.e., the Atkins "induction phase" to detox from sugar and carbs, and then slowly add food back in. However, I have decided to try to continue with LCHF since I am seeing lower numbers with my blood sugar testing. I…
  • Thank you. I have a friend who has lost well over 200 pounds by eating LCHF and is very knowledgeable. She recommended I figure my TDEE which I did and eat that. I should add that I am also T2 diabetic. I am a bit sore from a hard pool work out with my trainer on Friday.
  • Merry Meet, thepetrovafire! I suppose being an old soul could make me that old, but not quite. I'm very happily married. My guess for you would be about 24, single but happy being by yourself, and a healer.
  • When I saw your subject line, I thought of this:
  • I completed my first week of LCHF/Keto. I should preface this in saying that for the past year, I've tried to loosely stick to a LC WOE, but I needed to detox from sugar and starch carbs which were really keeping a tight grasp on me. I admit, I was skeptical at eating such high fat and I was pretty sure that I would gain.…
  • People such as yourself are a true inspiration to so many that have a great amount of weight to get rid of. Would you please share what you did to lose your weight, i.e., weight loss surgery, a particular way of eating, etc.?
  • Hello everyone. Mind if I join in? I'm Marillian, 58 (for one more month), married to an amazing spouse, and my four "kids" have furry paws (all my fur-babies are rescues). My mother lives with us since my step-dad died 3 years ago, and that can be.... shall I say... very challenging. Long story, won't bore you. Career…
  • Just a suggestion - don't tell them you want to eat LC. Choose the foods yourself. Some cruise lines will actually choose your food for you (in the dining room) if you choose a specialty diet. I learned that the first day of our cruise to Alaska when I was given a very small menu with food I didn't eat (like fish). I asked…
  • There are two very supportive and fun groups here on MFP for those that need to lose 100+ pounds. You may wish to check them out. They are very similar, but one is larger and one is smaller.…
  • I would rather be with my rescue cats than some people. (No, I'm not a crazy cat lady, I only have 4 of my own and I volunteer for a rescue group).
  • I confess that I pretend I'm reading something very interesting on my laptop just to avoid being spoken to. It hasn't worked yet, but one of these days, just maybe it will. Or, I will go out shopping for crap I don't need or want just to be by myself. (Not that I want anything bad to happen to my loved ones, I would just…
  • If you want to donate your body to science, I suggest you contact your local University hospital and ask for their anatomical donation office. There are registration forms you can fill out so when you pass away, the facility will take care of everything. However, with whole body donation (i.e., leaving your body to…
  • It sucks that this happened to you but remember, there are people out there like these guys that are simply *kitten*. You'll probably never see them again, so why let them ruin your day(s)? Overweight people have been targets of jokes and ridicule forever. Try not to let the comment impede your progress. Stay positive!!…
  • On my bucket list to go see, but can't decide where - Sweden, Finland, Norway or Iceland? Has anyone been?
  • I was there years ago. It is absolutely beautiful.
  • Is that why your right bicep is larger than the left (or vice versa)?