

  • Ps I think if you are working as hard as you say it may not be the meds but what you are actually eating and at what times- protein % etc that may be what has caused the issue. It's hard to say unless you are following a plan
  • I think I'd ask again? I know Zoloft is used to help anorexics so it can't be an appetite suppressant ( well maybe in some people) I had it for a while but it gave me bad nausea. I was on Effexor for 18 months after being on fluoxetine for 2 years. The Effexor is nasty stuff to get on and off ( I think I was told the…
  • Have you heard about science of slim.. In that they discuss how cutting back the calories too severely actually doesn't help as your body goes into starvation- I must hold onto fat mode.. The book discusses how to lower your set point weight- over time which stops to yo weight loss/gain and has the medical evidence to back…