I have been doing this for about a week now. but not only 1200 calories but sugar and sodium intake. it's tough, everything has both. I went to a green and white veggies and fish/chicken. kind of boring sometime but it helps. Staying away from fruits, loaded with sugar..uggg this is never ending! Hang in…
Awww thank you..that last true..i'm still going but getting tougher and tougher..but i will push through!!!! no if's ands or butts
Thank you cocobeenie!
Since we are all on this topic...I hate going to the gym during this time cuz well it's gross and i worry about "mishaps". AND how do you not give into the craving? I'm new to MFP and this has been an on going issue with me. 1st day is always the worst and the last thing i want to consider is going to the gym.
Thanks and good luck you as well!!! and everyone else who has the struggle of weight lost
I'm new as well and trying to get back over the hump..ok start the climb to the top of the hump so I can get to the otherside