

  • Thanks All. I know I'm being a huge suck about this, and I really do know to pay attention to other things, but just got really frustrated this morning. Thanks for the pick me up!
  • I've been around for a little over a week, and am definitely interested in some buddies on here. I need to lose approximately 65 lbs to start, and go from there. It's going to be a hell of a fight, and I have to keep my motivation up, so I would love to have a buddy that I could push, and who could push and encourage me…
  • I think the real question is, why are you weighing yourself that often? I know we all like to see the results of our hard work, but realistically you're not going to eat and workout enough to cause a 3500 calorie deficite in one day, so why stress yourself out by weighing in that often? Try once a week for a more accurate…
  • Hey Kristen, I also need to lose 60 Lbs to get to my goal. Maybe we could keep each other on track?