migs102 Member


  • My nutrionist once said in a group I was in that when you have a craving it doesn't mean you acted on it or that you have given in. It took me a minute to wrap my head around it but found it to be true. Once you have the craving and want the food item whatever it is you feel like you have already eaten it, but you haven't…
  • I have saw a nutrionalist almost 10 years ago and went from 185 to 140. I then proceeded to get married, move abroad, have a baby, move back to the usa and managed to keep off the most of it unti the last few years when I lapsed back into my old habits of deaing with stress. I was back in the same area as her and it took…
  • I love this, it is sad to think that thinking this way would make this eaiser but i think that it would.