fwyatt1 Member


  • Thanks for your reply, Last time I checked (last year)I had low vit D levels, but they don't really check me for anything on a regular basis. I don't have a great Dr, and I'm in the process of getting a new one, so when I do I'll make sure they test me for everything! Thanks Faye
    in Supplements? Comment by fwyatt1 May 2013
  • I had exactly the same thing happen to me when I was on medication for graves disease. My thyroid levels were still high and they kept me on the Methamazole even though I was gaining weight ( and quickly). I wouldn't stop taking the medication if your doctor tells you you need it. I'm not sure what the next step is for…
  • Thanks Jackie, I hope they sort you out soon! I went to my Dr today because I took myself for a blood test and my results came back. My TSH is too low (0.03) but I feel really well. I don't have a racing heart beat, I feel energetic but not overly so, and I don't feel cold all the time. I asked him if he could also check…
  • Hi Lou, Thank you for your information, I have ordered the stop the thyroid madness book so hopefully that will give me some good information! I really appreciate hearing that it can be done. I was wondering about natural thyroid medication, it seems that everywhere I look on the internet people are recommending it so I'll…
  • Hi Cynthia, Thank you for your advice! I used the calculator you suggested and it recommends I eat 1800 cal a day. I am going to try that and see if it makes a difference. I know you are right about the strength training, I'll try that too. I'm going to go to the Dr's again and see about the Cytomel, it seems to be that…