saffron09 Member


  • Watch the movie Supersize me. It put me off eating mcdonalds for good. Hadn't eaten it for about 10 years till my daughter really wanted a toy in the happy meal so I broke down and tried it again. Its horrible, not even sure what I ate, lol!
  • I just started this again too- I made a point of invinting all my facebook friends to join me, and just doing that helped a lot because I don't want them to see that I didn't stick to it at the end of every day. I also went to the store and bought lots of basic food, and some things that are easy If I get super hungry,…
  • I weigh myself in the morning without clothes because it is always less than at night, and it gives me more motivation for the day to do well! I would say whatever time you weigh yourself, you should always do it at the same time of day so it is consistent, and without clothing because that could add different amounts…
  • Hello! I just joined this site today and I hope it helps me with the remaining part of my goal. I just can't seem to loose the last 15 lbs! It seems so much harder for some reason.