

  • The ipod nano is the smallest you will find. I bought my gf one for her bday last year.
  • I am proud of myself today because I made it matter! I have eaten really well today and have over 1000 calories left on my counter. I went for a jog earlier this evening and hit my longest distance yet. 2.2 miles in just under 23 minutes. I got lucky and a friend stopped over and I have been planning on doing a free weight…
  • I wait until the soreness goes away. If that means 4 days of rest then I take 4 days. I take the advice I get from a competitive bodybuilder and he knows his stuff. Eventually the soreness will become less sore as your muscles become stronger and the recovery time will be shorter and you will be able to push through the…
  • I don't have before and after pics. I only started this on Wednesday. The pic on my profile is what I look like right now and I'm starting at 215.
  • Back in 2005 I was like you. Tear it up in the weight room and jogging hard in the hot sun, but I always ate whatever I wanted to eat. I didn't think it was important eat well at the time but I do now. Maybe because I'm older now and my body isn't what it used to be and I need every advantage I can get.
  • I just downloaded the app for the Iphone and have only been doing this since Wednesday. It's taken a few days but now I'm getting the hang of it and have my calorie intake under control. The first couple days it had me clocked at over 4000 calories but I'm down to about 2500 which is the amount the app recommended. I lift…
  • That is pretty good! You are right to acknowledge the time it took you to get to the point where you wanted to change and it will take a long time and a strong commitment to reverse the course. It sounds like you are on the right track. Just make gradual changes as you go. Instead of going without exercise maybe just take…