srosenberg101 Member


  • Started IP 4 weeks ago and down 15.5. Have had fun playing around with the recipes on the web (with caution as I know they aren't all phase one compatible) to keep it interesting. Would love to connect with others doing IP.
  • Hi all! I'm Sharon and I live in NY state in the little corner where NY, NJ and PA all meet . I have been heavy all my life except for the 3-4 times I did something drastic and got the weight off, only to have it return with a vengence. I am now 53 and the weight loss is only harder, probably because of hormone issues that…
  • Hi all- just getting remotivated and could use all the support I can get! My doc just told me I have 90 days to get my cholesterol down or I need meds. That has me freaked out enough that I came home last night and threw out all the junk from the closet that tempts me.Now that my daughter went back to college this past…