

  • I have the same problem - recently went on holiday with my boyfriend and put on one of my favourite tops and it was too tight. The horror. Since then I've been trying to build up the courage to actually stick to my calorie allocation. It has to be done as the selection of clothes I can wear in my wardrobe is being…
  • Yes - for me I keep going up to 10st 6lbs and back down to 10st - what I would really love is to get to 9st 7lbs (got to 9st 11lbs) once recently but now currently 10st 4lbs - really annoying but it does take committment. If I am truthful, today will be my first day sticking to the calorie allocation and really getting…
  • Well done to all of you. I keep falling off the wagon - would love to lose about 11lbs but recently went on holiday and put another 4lbs on - I must admit, when I stick to this, it does help. First proper day of sticking to my calories today. Hosting a dinner party on Saturday so will either have just one day off or save…