Single and loving it!!
My daughter's nick name :)
Way to go! That is wonderful!
Spicy Fish Bake and Steamed Rice with Tomato, garlic and spinach.. Yummy Dinner!!
it's not easy at all. the next day after i started i seriously could barely move... i've stuck with it though and I'm almost 2 weeks in and boy what a difference... not so much in weight bit in endurance and energy .... Keep up the great work!!!! :)
Thanks so much! I am looking forward to this journey :)
Hi :) Thank you! :)
Thank you! Good to meet you :)
Hi Meg! Good to meet you!! I love your attitude!! :)
Meeting you Simmie has been a god sent. Your daily post and blogs are so inspirational to me. In fact I've had one of your daily post written on my white board for a few days now. Because it applys to not just my healthy life style change but my entire life. "we succeed only when we first realize our failures are the…
the first time i did it i hurt like hell i could barely walk when i was done but i did and i actually walked a lot after that and that helped. I pushed threw and did it the next day and the next. after day 3 most of the pain was gone. I am on day 8 today and planning to start level 2. I might actually
this is a wonderful one! :)
"Nothing taste as good as HEALTHY feels" "don't let your doubts sabotage your actions" "if your tired of starting over, STOP giving up" these sayings are on my bedroom mirror and my fridge door...