

  • The wine is my downfall so I'm with you there! I've started drinking white wine with sparkling water and ice. You soon get used to it. Stretches out those calories further :-) If I can work out how to add you I will.
  • I'm on week 2 and only have one friend. Can I join you for some mutual encouragement? Loving the bybybelly handle. You and me both mate!
  • That makes sense Jodie T! If mine turn out to be of the fatty kind and shrink, I'll be gutted. I like them just as they are. Find a different bra has to be the answer.
  • Cheers for that! Will try fruit AND toast tomorrow. I'm a newbie at this, but so far have been splitting the calories 4 ways - a quarter each for breakfast, lunch and dinner with the final one saved for a glass of wine! Maybe even 2 glasses of wine on the three days I go swimming :smile: But will try the more substantial…