refinley2 Member


  • Yes. Do this while simultaneously nixing all fastfoods and soda in general (diet too) for a month and you will see some improvement. However, in many cases, acne can be more than just a diet thing, so if this doesn't have much affect, you'll want to see a dermatologist.
  • Cook the tofu like you would an egg in the morning, just over a skillet with a little olive oil and some pepper. That's how I get my protein in.
  • The best thing is that it's way easier to write down what you eat. It's always recommended when on a diet, you should write down everything you eat. Here, you just search it, click it, and the program tells you how much more you can eat today. The worst thing is that you need a third party image hosting site to post…
  • I overheard my roommate say my fingers were like monkeys with fat bananas. I then vowed to become hotter than she could ever hope to be.
  • I cut out meat, dairy, and eggs and just use MFP to make sure I have the right amount of daily calories. I just finished my first month of actively logging my food and lost 12 pounds (204-192.) It was pretty easy; the only hard part was waiting to see results
  • write it down, find people, and take long walks
  • Cutting the fastfood out is the best thing to do. Lean cuisines are good for counting calories, but they aren't very filling. They're also pumped with sodium and processed stuff that messes with metabolism. I'm also a university student (Tx) and I found the healthiest microwave meals are the organic- vegetarian-hippie ones…
  • If you cut out milk, cheese, and yogurt, and replace these with water, fruit, and some spices, you'll lose weight faster. However, I'm with you and could never see myself going the rest of my life without cheese. I'm currently vegan for weight loss reasons and plan on slowly incorporating my lovely delicacies back into my…
  • I became vegan for the weight loss benefits. It's really effective; after the conclusion of my first month, I've lost 12 pounds. However, the dietary restrictions on meat, milk, and eggs aren't the easiest to follow and I don't work out, so the best advice I have is make half your diet fruits and vegetables. Some fruit at…
  • That's actually the best way to consume carbohydrates. Carbs get a bad rap because consuming excessive amounts of highly complex, chemically enriched starches is often the cause of excessive weight gain (honey buns and bagels.) But the carbohydrates found in fruit, whole wheat, and rice are great for healthy growth and…
  • Cheese.
  • She's right. You can exceed your caloric intake in fruits and vegetables everyday and still lose weight. While this approach seems physically impossible (exceeding calories while losing weight? wtf?) by maintaining a diet solely of fruits and vegetables (not recommended,you need Essential fats too) your body learns to…
  • I became vegan to lose weight (freakin love cheese.) Initially, I lost about 5 lbs without even trying to watch calories or sugar, but the 5 was inspiring so I cut soda and vegan treats and now base a majority of my diet on fruits and vegetables with a few EFA supplements and tofu in the mornings. I started doing that…
  • No. Don't count your vegetables, because while yes, they do have calories, vegetables are freakin' amazing. Fruits and vegetables are wonder foods that will clear and tighten skin, help out digestion, pack your body with nutrients, and essentially detoxify your body. Since half the diet should ideally be fruits and…
  • To get lean, cut out soda (diet too), all fast foods, bleached starches (white flour products), milk, cheese, eggs, meat. All the fruits and vegetables will do wonders for the skin and are an easy way to quickly cut 10 pounds.
  • Don't do it! Interfering with internal organs carries risk of complications. Even years after having the surgery accompanied with successful weight loss, the digestive process is strained and uncomfortable, depending on what food is eaten. Spicy foods will become a gassy nightmare. Furthermore, because the weight loss is…
  • Erm, My jeans are 14s and all my shirts are XLs (in my defense, I have a gorgeous rack.) 5'7'' 194 lbs Love Reese
  • For me, the depression comes in strong waves. Using my journal wasn't as helpful as I would have liked. So I went to walmart, bought 50 sheets of giant white construction paper, a set of craft brushes, and black acrylic paint. On days that felt emotionally overwhelming, I would bury myself in a good song and paint it out.…