MyrianeO Member


  • OOOOOO LOOOVE the magic Bullet - best thing in my kitchen right now.. My bf made me a virgin strawberry daquiri that was actually really good - fresh strawberries, lime juice, a little bit of lemonade pop and spenda to taste.. yum! And that Blueberry twister looks delish!!
  • Ours was planned, we had been trying since January and got prego in febuary.. that was fast! :blushing:
  • Molson M is really good REAL beer, and only 100 cals.. I'm not a fan of Molson typically, but this one is great.. I don't like the 67 because it tastes like water.. depends what kind of beer drinker you are.. I love stouts, anything red and dark :) In Atlantic Canada, we drink real beer :drinker:
  • I am seriously looking at a used one too.. I mean, if you boil it and sanitize it, I don't see a problem.. they are really expensive, who can afford it?
  • I am feeling better, not 100% but I'm actually at work today, after having to take 2 days to sleep (almost all day).. My savior was lemon and honey tea :drinker: ... proved to help ALOT!!! I did take tylenol at night to help me sleep... I know it isn't proven to be 100% safe, but my doctor recommended it and I think it…
  • I was also really hungry during my first tri, i'm at 14 weeks now and it's slowed down alot.. I ate like 2000 calories a day (my maintenance) and I actually lost a pound.. sometimes I even went over.. I do walk mostly every day and drink all my water though.. hope it helps!
  • Thanks ladies! All that info is very helpful. I did go to the doctors and she said to take tylenol, as per the directions on the bottle. So I have been taking it, just in moderation to help with the fever. I'm sick like a dog right now, so just trying to eat and drink lots and get as much rest as possible.. I'm seriously…
  • I'm sooo excited to feel the baby move, i'm at 13 weeks 3 days, and I feel fluttering, but i'm not quite sure if that's it.. maybe it's all in my head lol!!! I have an appt tomorrow :) Anyone know what we can and can't take when we have a cold? I have a sore throat coming on ugh...
  • Hi! My name is Myriane, my EDD is November 30th, names are maybe Zachary or Malika :) thanks!!
  • Hey girls.. First off, it is quite illegal to fire someone because they are preggo.. Tell your boss as soon as possible, and in writing.. this dosen't mean that you have to tell everyone at the office. I told mine at 8 weeks because I was sick.. Being pregnant is now classified as a condition, which means that you can take…
  • Hey gals! So I haven't put in my due date yet because I wasen't sure what it was lol! I went for an ultrasound on sunday and it's confirmed, at November 30th :)
  • I also love Jacob if that helps :)
  • dls0516: Congrats on the news! All the best wishes from myself, and this group will give you that emotional support you will need! Chickybuns: That's so great! Sounds like everything is in check and baby's healthy!! AJs Dream: We're having trouble with names too lol... my bf is sooo picky lol ! But we're thinking Zachary…
  • Hey girls! Glad to see some new people, congrats to all the soon to be mama's! I had my first ultrasound yesterday!!! They thought I was 12 weeks, but turns out i'm only 10 and 5 days.. so that's ok with me, i'm happy either way. It's so incredible to see your baby for the first time on that screen.. my little gummy bear…
  • I asked my OBGYN... she dosen't see a problem with it.. she says its an old wives tale..
  • Good luck on your visit - hearing the heartbeat is an amazing feeling! I also want to know ahead of time if my baby has downs.. it will just help us mentally prepare ourselves - we will not abort... make sure to talk this over with your man though.. it's a touchy subject Hope you have a good appt!! :smile:
  • Hi girls! I am officially at 12 weeks today, so i'm switching forums from 1st trimester! A little about me... This is my first pregnancy and my bf and I are very excited about it.. twins run bigtime in my family, so we are anxious as well.. I had my first appointment on tuesday only because I thought I was 10 weeks.. turns…
  • Ok girls, looks like i'm at 12 weeks today! I'm going to be switching over to the second trimester board (can't believe i'm there already!!!) I wish everyone a great pregnancy and I can't wait to greet you girls on the other side! :glasses:
  • I wouldn't worry about it too much - they're probably just taking extra precaution because you are pregnant.. you could just have a bacteria or something that dissapears on its own.. I have HPV, but there are slight chances it actually becomes cancer, I just get checked more often.. it's a lifetime thing so I just have to…
  • chickybuns : I had a few days of feeling really nauseated this week too... it's like baby needs to give us one more reminder that he's there :tongue: 1st trimester almost done! ajsdream: You're really lucky to hear the heartbeat so early, nice and reassuring :) for those of you with morning sickness or even feeling queezy…
  • Hey gals! I've been MIA for the last few days because I've been crazy busy with work! But I'm back now.. Big news, had my first appt yesterday, heard my baby's heartbeat - it was super clear and at 168 beats per minute, so very good :) The doctor thinks i'm at 11 weeks 5 days today instead of my original 10 weeks, which…
  • Awhh! You must be excited! Best wishes!! Mine is on tuesday and the anticipation is killing me :)
  • Ugh, that's hard - moving to another province while expecting... it's always hard to find new friends in a new area... i'm originally from Manitoba and it took us a good year to meet a good group of friends, but we were at University.. Don't isolate yourself - participate in all mommy and me classes, i'm sure there is lots…
  • If it makes you feel any better, I have a friend who is 12 weeks now, had no symptoms at all and is doing just fine :) I only had symptoms starting week 6 1/2, so maybe you will get some yet :tongue: I would just embrace it and try not to worry too much - take it as it goes.. Good luck! :smile:
  • Holly cow, three would be crazyness.... Hopefully just one, but two would be great aswell :)
  • Awhhh that's soo cool that you heard/saw the heartbeat - and at 6 weeks!!! My appt is only on tuesday, at 10 1/2 weeks! Very high chances of having twins too .. kinda scary, but I will be fine with it :) Do you know if they can always tell on that first appt if you are having twins?
  • Which province are you in? I'm in New Brunswick and some daycares do take before 18 mo.. but it is expensive.... sometimes it is better to stay home if you can! I'm just the type that couldn't stay home because it would drive me nuts (i'M a workaholic :)
  • Well, there's LOTS of room for all of you guys! :p
  • Wow, that really is a hard decision for you guys.. In Canada we get a whole year maternity leave.. all covered by unemployment.. You don't get your whole salary but you get most of it, we can also share it with our hubby.. I'm planning on taking most of the year, depending on if I get a really good job afterwards or not…
  • Great advice, thanks so much busyPK :wink: